Memmert Vacuum Ovens
Memmert Vacuum Ovens offer short heating up times, high precision temperature control and turbo drying for sensitive drying.
Reliable, comfortable and energy-efficient with separately adjustable and directly heated thermoshelves ensure precise temperature control.
Shown here with vacuum pump noise abatement chamber PMP29 and subframe for VO29, there are a wide range of accessories to accompany this range of vacuum ovens so please do contact us to discuss your requirements.
A Memmert vacuum drying oven offers unique advantages:
- user-friendly, intuitive operating concept
- Nearly exclusive use of high-quality, rust-resistant and easy to clean stainless steel for interior and exterior housing
- precise and homogenous temperature control thanks to a product-specific heating concept
- a wide range of options for programming and documentation using interfaces, integrated data loggers and the AtmoCONTROL software
- 3 years extended guarantee and various service options available to maintain your Vacuum Oven to perform optimally
- Models:
- VO29: 29L +20°C – 200°C 5 mbar to 1100 mbar
- VO49: 49L +20°C – 200°C 5 mbar to 1100 mbar
UK / Europe / Global Delivery
Developed in collaboration with our clients / Bespoke design service
Committed to developing sustainable & practical improvements for scientists worldwide

Martyn Fordham, MD