Did you know? We’re ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified!

We are proud to confirm that Asynt has ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification.

Asynt ISO 9001 certification logo

A team effort, as always

Led by Siobhan Ellwood (Continuous Improvement Coordinator), we’re proud to confirm that the Asynt team have successfully met the rigorous standards set by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) for Quality Management (ISO 9001) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001).

Asynt 20th Anniversary 2023 - 20 years of making lab life easier

Formalising our determination to be the best with ISO accreditation – for you and for the environment

These certifications reflect our commitment to delivering high-quality laboratory products and services while also prioritising environmental sustainability. We are enthusiastic about the positive impact these certifications are already having on our operations, and to the overall value we provide to our customers.

You can see the full details of our Quality Management and Environmental Systems policies and certification via the info page here: www.asynt.com/iso-quality-environmental-policies/

If you have any questions (or suggestions) that relate to these certifications, please don’t hesitate to contact Siobhan directly by emailing [email protected].

Siobhan Ellwood

Thanks to all our customers for your support and loyalty while we strive to make your lab life better!

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