Multicell Parallel High Pressure Reactors
Designed to be used in conjunction with a simple bench top magnetic stirrer or stirrer/hotplate
The Asynt Multicell Parallel High Pressure Reactor is a cost effective lightweight unit fabricated in 316 Stainless Steel suitable for numerous stirred or non stirred applications. These include hydrogenations and applications where air sensitive materials are used or any other reaction where pressure or temperature are required.
As standard these offer the user the ability to screen 10 x 30 ml reactions at pressures of up to 50 bar and up to 200 °C, all at the same pressure and temperature. We now offer upgrades to the system to cover a wider range of requirements:
- Higher pressures to 100 bar, 200 bar, and beyond
- Temperatures to 350 °C
- Individual temperature control for each reactor cell
- Alternative materials, Hastelloy, Inconel for example.
- Larger volumes (4 positions) to 150 mL
- Sampling under pressure
- Additions under pressure
- Individual pressure setting for every reactor cell.
In addition to the above we can still provide quotations for a custom versions to meet your needs more precisely
- Carbonylations
- Hydrogenations
- Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
- Catalyst Screening, reaction optimisation & materials testing
- Parallel synthesis
- Super critical studies
- Corrosion testing
- One simple closure
- Fail safe mechanism
- 10×30 ml vessel in 316 stainless steel
- Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
- Hydrogenation
- Parallel Synthesis
- Screening
- 100 Bar or 200 Bar @ 300 °C (and beyond)
- 316 stainless steel
UK / Europe / Global Delivery
Developed in collaboration with our clients / Bespoke design service
Committed to developing sustainable & practical improvements for scientists worldwide

Martyn Fordham, MD