Dr Nicholas White team testing of CondenSyn

Serious testing of the CondenSyn®

Posted on: June 17, 2016

“….. It was decided to test the CondenSyn under relatively tough conditions, as close as possible to those used in a typical laboratory synthesis. A 100 mL round bottomed flask containing 50 mL of a given solvent was heated to a temperature 10% higher than the stated boiling point of the solvent for 24 hours under bubbling nitrogen gas. ….”

Asynt CondenSyn waterless air condenser for chemistry laboratory

The Magic of CondenSyn®: Lauren Turner, University of Hull

Posted on: April 13, 2016

Lauren Turner of the University of Hull takes an objective look at CondenSyn: “The CondenSyn is the perfect tool for practical chemistry; it allows you to put on multiple reactions using a water-less condenser, which means you use less water and it takes up less space as there is no tubing required….”

CondenSyn® Evaluation: Ben Cheesman, Aqdot

Posted on: November 3, 2015

CondenSyn® evaluation: “We have chosen to use CondenSyn condensers for our organic and polymer synthesis reactions as a) they remove the risk of flooding, especially when with leaving reactions unattended