Dutch Photochemistry Days

Date: May 17, 2021

Dutch photochemistry meetings

NEW:  Dutch Photochemistry Days online events

Last year the HRSMC, the Holland Research School for Molecular Chemistry, planned two exciting events, however both had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; they will now take place in July 2022. (Photoiupac2022.amsterdam).  Meanwhile, organisers noticed that due to the pandemic their PhD students and postdocs dearly miss the opportunity to present their research, to build their network, and to improve their profiles and CVs. They therefore organised the NEW Dutch Photochemistry Days online events via the Zoom platform. This event is intended to give young researchers an opportunity to discuss their research, for more experienced researchers to network, and for the Dutch photochemistry community to experience new ways to meet online.

The next meeting will take place on May 17th, 2021, from 1 to 4 pm via Zoom.

If you’re interested in attending then you can find out more information, and also register via the website HERE.

Dr Kerry will be on hand to assist you in any enquiries you may have regarding Asynt’s wide range of laboratory apparatus, including:

DrySyn Illumin8

For those working in the Photochemistry field, you may be interested to find out more about the DrySyn Illumin8; a parallel photoreactor with a tiny footprint and excellent performance.  The DrySyn Illumin8 module includes safety interlocks to ensure that your photochemical experiments are light-tight and safe with active cooling to keep the reaction tubes from getting too hot from photo irradiation.  Designed and manufactured in the UK, this innovative photochemical reactor is proving popular around the world.

  • Initially available in two models:
    • 8 x 450 nm (Blue) 10w LED COB chips
    • 8 x 365 nm (UV) 10w LED COB chips

DrySyn Illumin8 Parallel Photoreactor from Asynt UKIf you’d like to find out more about how Asynt can help with your Photochemistry requirements then please feel free to give us a call on +44 (0)1638 781709, email our technical sales team via [email protected] or book an online face-to-face meeting via our website here: https://www.asynt.com/contact-us/book-time-with-us/