RAPS 2022: The 22nd Annual RAPS Meeting will be held at Northumbria University on the 7th – 9th of September 2022 and is sponsored by Asynt.
The annual RAPS (Recent Appointees of Polymer Science) meeting is an event that aims to bring together academics in the early stages of their career (within approx. 5 years of appointment), PDRAs and industrialists. The meeting gives attendees opportunities to present their work, network, and receive practical early-career advice from a range of experienced speakers. Topics include areas such as generating funding, mitigating the career-related effects of the coronavirus pandemic, becoming independent, interacting with the media and building a lab.
This is a fabulous opportunity for early-career researchers to start building their network of collaborators.
The RAPS 2022 Programme
There will be contributed oral and poster presentations (with sponsored prizes), and the intention is to allow the majority of attendees to present their work. There will be presentations from leading industrialists, academics and publishers and various networking opportunities to establish collaborations and discuss the challenges of collaborative working and publishing.
Confirmed Speakers / Panelists
Prof. Steve Howdle, University of Nottingham
Dr Gareth Crapper, GDC consulting Ltd, Entrepreneur in Residence at University of Liverpool.
The RAPS 2022 meeting will be held at Hedley Suite, Sandyford Building, Northumbria University.
Registration will be open from noon on Wednesday.
Information on getting to Northumbria University can be found: https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/study-at-northumbria/visit-northumbria/getting-here/getting-here/getting-here
For those wishing to attend RAPS 2022, the registration fee is £150 when paid before 1/07/2022 or £170 before 1/08/2022. This covers two nights of accommodation, evening meals on Wednesday and Thursday, and lunch and breakfast on Thursday and Friday. For those who do not need accommodation, the registration fee is £70.
You can find full information, including the registration link, via the event website here: https://www.raps.org.uk/raps-meetings. You can also find their Twitter profile here: https://twitter.com/RAPS_Org
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: 1/8/2022
Early-bird registration deadline: 1/7/2022 (registration fee: £150)
Normal registration deadline: 1/8/2022 (registration fee: £170)
There will be a selection of Asynt freebies on hand at the meeting so if you attend we hope you’ll find something useful! If you’d like to speak to us about the event, or any laboratory apparatus requirements you have, please contact us today.