Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, Laborama has decided to host a virtual fair with virtual stands and products. Luckily, they are provide some real-life exhibitors which will be available on both days via live chat!
Our distribution partner, Optimus Instruments, who are based in Belgium are participating and will have the latest novelties on show for you including the Asynt range of high pressure reactors, DrySyn single and parallel synthesis equipment, Bioreactors, custom glass reactor systems as well as temperature control systems and petroleum test apparatus.
The fair itself will be online from June 11 till September 30, so you can stroll through the new products for 2020 whenever your heart desires.
Spoiled for choice within our product range? Optimus Instruments will have their team of specialists online to help you in finding the right product for your application. They’ll be on chat from 9.30 -17 hours via Laborama, and by telephone or e-mail whenever you need them.
Registration is free and easy via virtuallaborama.be, so do take a look!
The Optimus team are looking forward to meeting you – be it in an office chair – at Laborama online!