QOMSBOC 2022 (Quebec-Ontario Mini-Symposium for Synthetic and Bioorganic Chemistry) will be a three-day, in-person, event held at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, from Friday October 14th to Sunday October 16th 2022.
Online abstract submission and registration is now open for the event and the organisers welcome those wishing to register as a group.
All questions should be directed to: [email protected] however you can find details of the template for submissions, how to register, and more via the event page here: https://www.qomsboc.ca/
QOMSBOC is an annual symposium organized by synthetic and bioorganic research chemists in Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Hosted by a different academic institution each year, QOMSBOC offers a forum to showcase cutting-edge research done by graduate students, undergraduate, and postdoctoral researchers. The primary objective of QOMSBOC is to inspire and help to train the next generation of outstanding young organic chemists.
The QOMSBOC 2022 Plenary Speakers
- Dr. Claudio Sturino, adMare BioInnovations
- Professor Marisa Kozlowski, University of Pennsylvania
- Professor Scott Snyder, University of Chicago
Take a closer look at the Asynt product range while you’re there!
We are pleased to confirm that our partners at Instrucan Scientific are proud sponsors of the event, and will have a range of our sustainable laboratory tools on display for you to see. Join Instrucan’s Bharat Shetty at QOMSBOC 2022 and take this opportunity to find out how much easier your life in the lab could be!